Feeding Our Future: A Parent's Guide to Nutritious Eating

Navigating your kid’s nutritional needs can seem like trying to solve a puzzle at times. But fret not, we are here to assist you during meal planning! In this article, let’s break down what to feed your little one at each stage of growth to keep them happy, healthy and energized! 

Baby Steps (0-12 months)

Milk & First Tastes

Just Milk: In the beginning, it’s all about breast milk and baby formula. They provide all the nutrients your tiny baby needs!

Hello Solids: When they hit about six months, start with simple stuff like pureed veggies, fruits and maybe a bit of iron-fortified cereal. Go slow – one new food at a time. Our favorite choices include Rosy Organic Rice Puffs, Little Freddie Vibrant Peaches and Raspberry Puree & GERBER Organic Teethers Mango Banana Carrot.

Terrific Toddlers (1-3 years)

Our Little Explorers

Mix It Up: Toddlers need a variety of foods. Think small portions of fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean proteins.

Smart Snacking: Introduce yoghurt, apple slices and maybe even cheese cubes! Keep those sugary snacks to a minimum. Our favorite choices include Only Organic Beef Bolognese Pasta, Kiwigarden Crunchy Apple and Gerber Hearty Bits MultiGrain Banana Apple Strawberry Cereal.

Preschool Pals (3-5 years)

Growing Independence

Rainbow Plates: Make meals colorful and fun! Kids love colors at this age and each color usually provides a different nutrient that’s good for them.

Learning Moderation: It’s okay to have treats now and then, but let’s stick to lots of water and milk most days. At this age, they should have developed their own taste buds, but introduce them to different foods on the daily so they are less likely to be picky!

School-Age Kiddos (6-12 years)

Building Lifelong Habits

Regular Meal Routines: Make sure they get a good mix of proteins, carbs and fats at each meal. By balancing macronutrients, meals can provide comprehensive nutritional benefits that sets a foundation for healthy eating habits that last a lifetime.

Get Them Involved: Let them pick out some healthy items at the grocery store or help out in the kitchen. It’s a great way to get them to learn about healthy eating and lessen your workload!

Expert Advice From A Pediatric Nutritionist!

Jill Castle, a pediatric dietitian, stresses the need for a balanced diet from an early age, emphasizing nutrient-dense foods like proteins, grains, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. She advises reducing added sugars and saturated fats to prevent future health issues, recommending natural sugars from fruits and vegetables to satisfy children’s cravings while providing essential nutrients. For more detailed advice on children’s nutrition and healthy eating habits, visit Jill Castle’s comprehensive resource at The Nourished Child.

Wrapping It Up

Every stage has its needs, but the goal is the same: keep them nourished and teach them to love healthy food. It’s not just about the meals; it’s about setting the stage for a lifetime of good health.

Need More Tips?

Chatting with a pediatric nutritionist can give you a ton of personalized advice, especially if your family has unique dietary needs or health concerns.